Located on Donner Summit near Lake Tahoe, Sugar Bowl Ski Team lays the foundation for passionate skiers to embrace challenge with grit, grace and courage.

Dotting the I's...

They say the job isn't done until the paperwork is complete, and Ski Team is no exception. Here, you'll find links to the most common forms you'll need.

Sugar Bowl Resort Season Pass Forms

Although we'll arrange for your child's season pass as part of your team registration and tuition, you'll need to complete the resort's Season Pass Agreement and Release of Liability. If you'd like your child to be able to use his or her pass to make purchases at any of the resort's lodges, you'll also need to complete the Resort Charge form. Note that both of these forms should be returned directly to the resort's Season Pass office (not the Ski Team).

Race Registration Forms

In order for your child to compete in any Tahoe League, US Ski & Snowboard (USSS) Far West or FIS race, you'll need to register in advance. You can register and pay for most USSS Far West races using the Admin Ski Racing website.

Race Liability Releases

If your child is participating in any race that's held somewhere other than Sugar Bowl, you'll need to fill out a release form for that ski area (your Sugar Bowl release covers any race held here). We'll try to post links to these here as they become available.

US Ski & Snowboard/FIS License/Membership Forms

If your child is planning on participating in any US Ski & Snowboard (USSS, formerly "USSA") sanctioned event (including Tahoe League), he or she will need to have a USSS membership/license. Make sure to select "Far West" as your USSS division and Sugar Bowl Ski Team & Academy (SBSTA) as your team.

Additionally, if he or she is planning on competing in a International Ski Federation (FIS) race, he or she will need a FIS license (you can add a FIS license from your USSS membership dashboard).

Check with your child's coach if you're unsure what licenses you will need.

US Ski & Snowboard (USSS) Member Registration and Tools

International Ski Federation (FIS) Website